Life Lessons From Surveyed Adults of What THEY Wish They Knew
“I wish I knew that the world is so much bigger and so much more interesting than you can imagine as a teenager. Exploring new interests, new places, not choosing to be comfortable and safe with what is familiar will almost certainly present opportunities and choices that can be fulfilling and life-changing.
I would have taken more chances in college and earlier in my working career. My regrets center around things I didn’t do much more than what I have done. ”
— Mark, Health Care Administration (50yo)
“Academic success means little in life. I would have focused more on personal relationships and individual growth in addition to academics.”
— Alex, Technology Consultant (33yo)
“I wish I knew how to manage personal finances & properly budget. What you will have to think about growing up (TAXES when you start working, BUILDING CREDIT SCORE, INVESTMENTS). My finances would be managed better and I would have had much more $ saved up for my future. It also help me become more responsible about my spending habits.”
— Eunice, Marketing (28yo)
“That it’s good to always reach for your goals, but that it’s ok to fail because that gives you another chance to succeed. That pursuing someone else’s dream or being under other people’s influence on how you pursue life; will inevitably bring you back to step 1 to the question of what you want to do and who you are. Take advice as advice and not as truth. It would have made me less fearful of pursuing my own joy in life. I would have started on my own path much faster.”
— Helen, Entrepreneur (33yo)
“What it takes to be successful in life; long-term goals with plans, mindsets, habits, discipline, and networking not grades and certificates (memorization can get achieve those while not necessarily achieving success). Focus on the right things vs wasting time and energy on the wrong things”
— Jesse, Consultant (33 yo)
“Failure is ok and should be encouraged (together with reflection and support). I would’ve taken more risks, tried more things, been less afraid to dream.”
— Christina, Legal Assistant in Immigration Law (33)